Welcome to The Happy U - A Positive Psychology Video Blog
The "U" stands for you, but it also stands for "U" as in university, a place of learning. This site is where you will learn what it takes to be happy. Happy everyday all day. The study of happiness is called Positive Psychology. And the special kind of Positive Psychology you will be hearing about is called PATTERNING (SM). PATTERNING pulls together all the best and newest research in Positive Psychology and will show you how to make happiness a part of your daily life. PATTERNING draws from the great Positive Psychologists, Seligman, Fredrickson, Maslow, Siegel, and Csikszentmihalyi, to learn the patterns behind positive feelings.
Done Being Down?
3 things need to happen to change your feelings and your life, you need to:
Understanding Your Patterns
There are 2 fundamental patterns that make up all our positive and negative emotions:
What you will see is that we are all made up of 4 parts; mind, body, emotion, and consciousness. These 4 part when working well together create the state of well-being or flow. However, when 1 or all of them turn inward they form the a state of collapse or some state of unhappiness. Watch and learn more. |
5 Blind Men and the Elephant
This ancient story is about a kind of blindness that can effect all people. We know what we know, and yet ironically, that knowledge limits our vision regarding what we don't know or how you we perceive what others have experienced. This wonderful story of inclusiveness applies to religion, cultural views, and politics. But here, you will see how the story of the 5 blind men also can be applied to our understanding of the science of psychology. Sadly psychology is fractured into several different school of thought. By using PATTERNING (SM), you will see how all these division could be brought together into one system of thought.
Flow 2.0
The psychologist Dr. Csikszentmihalyi came up with the idea of flow back in the 70s. He was one of the first researchers to study positive emotional states. His work helped begin the positive psychology movement. This clip takes his ideas and expands them to help understand all our emotions.
You will also learn what are emotion. By understanding the patterns that create your emotions you will be able to control your emotions. |